Welcome, Job Seeker!
AZ Job Connection is here to help you find a job. Start your search now:
Need an account?
With a job seeker account you can:
- Perform and save advanced searches to find the job that's perfect for you.
- Create and post an unlimited number of resumes with our resume wizard.
- Explore the most in-demand occupations by industry and location.
- Find on-the-job training and apprenticeship opportunities.
- Fulfill unemployment insurance requirements.
- Connect with career counselors for advice and support.
How we help job seekers:
- Creating a professional resume can be intimidating. With our step-by-step resume building wizard, put together a resume that showcases your strengths and experiences with minimal effort.
- Want a new career? Connect with a career counselor about state and federally funded (aka, free!) opportunities to learn in-demand skills and gain industry-recognized credentials.
- Manage your job searches, update your account, and receive job match alerts. AZ Job Connection is mobile responsive and easy to use from any phone, tablet, or PC.
Upcoming Events
Need assistance putting together a resume, practicing for an interview, or finding the best career match for you? Want to chat with local employers about job opportunities? View a schedule of job fairs, workshops, and training opportunities near you.
Job Seeker Resources
Career Planning
Disability Resources
- DES Services
- Disability Benefits 101
Hiring Incentives
Hiring Veterans, Reserve & National Guard
Job Search
- Apprenticeship Office
- AZ State Jobs
- LinkedIn Jobs
- Employment Services
- Upcoming Events
Provider Information
Unemployment Information
Veteran Resources
- AZ Dept. of Veterans' Services
- Skills Translator
- Veteran Priority of Services
AZ Job Connection
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