American Financial Group, Inc. (AFGE) Earning

American Financial Group, Inc. (AFGE) Earning

American Financial Group, Inc. Earnings: Frequently Asked Questions

When is American Financial Group, Inc.'s earnings date?

American Financial Group, Inc. has not confirmed its next earnings publication date, but the company's estimated earnings date is Thursday, March 30th, 2023 based off last year's report dates.

How can I listen to American Financial Group, Inc.'s earnings conference call?

The conference call for American Financial Group, Inc.'s latest earnings report can be listened to online.

How can I read American Financial Group, Inc.'s conference call transcript?

The conference call transcript for American Financial Group, Inc.'s latest earnings report can be read online.

How much revenue does American Financial Group, Inc. generate each year?

American Financial Group, Inc. (:AFGE) has a recorded annual revenue of $7.73 B.

How much profit does American Financial Group, Inc. generate each year?

American Financial Group, Inc. (:AFGE) has a recorded net income of $7.73 B. American Financial Group, Inc. has generated $10.06 earnings per share over the last four quarters.

What is American Financial Group, Inc.'s price-to-earnings ratio?

American Financial Group, Inc. (:AFGE) has a price-to-earnings ratio of 12.67 and price/earnings-to-growth ratio is -2.73.

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