eBook DRM Removal

Updated : December 28th, 2023

We provide 2 apps to convert .vbk file to pdf file, if vbk book is pdf format or have more than 500 pages, we suggest user try Vitalsource Converter first that is more fast.

This is step to step guide to convert .vbk file to pdf file, VitalSource Bookshelf ebook to pdf file using Vitalsource Converter.

Vitalsource Converter is tools to convert bookshelf ebook to PDF file. it support epub and pdf format .vbk ebook in Bookshelf. .

1). First, download and install app, it work with win10 version Bookshelf, download at Here

2). Run Bookshelf App, login and open book, turn to first page in Bookshelf

Click “Contents” button on left toolbar to hide contents panel.

Resize Bookshelf window height as windows desktop height, it looks like this image,

3). After setup Bookshelf window, run VitalSource Converter, click “Capture” button to start conversion, it will go through all pages and create a new PDF file.

4). Open new pdf file in pdf reader, zoom view to “100%” to get better result.

Vitalsource DRM Removal is tools to export bookshelf ebook to PDF file, pdf file has same quality as origin one, we suggest user try it first.

Read Barnes & Noble ebook in Kindle

Kindle reader doesn’t support Barnes & Noble ebook , B&N ebook have Barnes & Noble’s eReader DRM, sometimes called Secure eReader format.

this is tutorial how to read NOOK book in Kindle :

2. Run NOOK DRM Removal , remove drm and create a new epub file.

3. Convert new epub file to Mobi format using open source software called Calibre
http://calibre-ebook.com/ Download here

4. Run Calibre, add new epub file into Calibre, then convert to MOBI format that support by Kindle 3.

5. Upload mobi file to Kindle 3.

How to convert Kindle AZW to EPUB/PDF/RTF/TXT format?

How to remove DRM from Barnes Noble B&N ebook?

How to get read DRM ePub in iPad?

Apple’s iBooks app is your portal to reading and buying eBooks on the iPad—and it includes a section with a few free books. But don’t forget, just like iTunes and the iPod can import and play music downloaded elsewhere, the iTunes and the iPad can import and display books downloaded elsewhere. Formats are limited, however. The iPad only supports ePub (with or without DRM).

Your local library may be a great source for free ePub checkouts. Also, Project Gutenberg has 30,000 free ePub books you can download, all of which have fallen out of copyright. There’s lots of good stuff in this collection if you read classics, and the project even has an RSS list for new arrivals.


If you want to convert PDFs and other DRM-free formats to ePub, you can use Calibre.

Can you Download or Buy DRM ebook from Sources other than the iBooks Store?

No, iPad doesn’t support that, you need to convert DRM ebook to PDF format, so you read all kind epub ebook on iPad.