2013 has been full of changes when it comes to the CSLB License Application. It used to be the experience outline could make or break your application. Now, it’s only a minor player for eight of the 43 license classifications.
Although, a properly formatted CSLB work experience form for all 43 classifications is important, preparing a proper experience outline for the eight critical classifications is just the first step.
As I outlined in a previous post, and what seems to be most confusing to applicants, you want to steer clear of including administrative work, specific project details, length of time in the trade, etc. The CSLB wants to see what you do on the jobsite on a daily basis. What trades are you performing? If you are applying for the C-10 Electrical license, are you pulling wire, installing 110/220v, installing panels, running conduit. If you’re applying for a C-53 Pool license, are you installing rebar, applying gunite, installing electrical; i.e. lighting, pool control systems, or plumbing? If you are applying for the C-33 Painting license, are you prepping the painting surface, repairing drywall, mixing paint, applying latex or water based paints or stains?
The CSLB experience form should not include what you do on the business side of things. For example, pull permits, sign contracts, deal with clients, manage projects, provide estimates, etc. The CSLB assumes that everyone in business is able to perform these administrative duties.
Back to those eight “critical classes.” The CSLB work experience form is only the first step because they will be asking you to provide the additional proof of experience. So, in this case, your outline should be as detailed and as close to your actual experience as possible. If they contact your employer or certifier and ask if you have actually run 220v wire and they say you haven’t, chances are you’re going to have a hard time getting your application to the testing phase.
UPDATE 2020 … the cslb is no longer profiling those 8 classifications, but they are still very strict on the A and B classifications, especially if you’re submitting the experience as self employed. Use the contact form below if you have any questions.
If you are wondering how to fill out the CSLB work experience form, I’d be happy to help. I offer complete application preparation or application review.
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