You may submit a written request to the public service director to review an application if you believe that the Rental Inspections Division is improperly returning complete and accurate applications.
Rental inspections applications will only be processed Monday – Friday from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.
To the City of Warren rental property owners that would like to receive their rental renewal letters by e-mail, you must submit a typed letter
with the rental property address, parcel number, and owner’s “TYPED” e-mail address to:
The City of Warren
Rental Inspections Division
One City Square 3rd Floor
Warren, MI 48093
Renewal Packet (please fill out in full and mail to above address)
Any questions or concerns please contact the Rental Inspections Division at 586-574-4633.
The mission of the Department of Property Maintenance Rental Division is to safeguard public health, safety, and welfare of the tenants and their families by enforcing Building, Property Maintenance, and Zoning codes, and ordinance of the City of Warren, which will preserve and enhance property value, and promote a quality of Warren as the preferred place to reside and conduct business.
The Rental Division will be CLOSED for all business for a systems upgrade from Tuesday, September 17 through Monday, September 23rd
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding.
Rental Division StaffMarilyn Tremberth
Phone: (586) 574-4561
Fax: (586) 574-4540
(A) No person shall rent, lease, offer for rent or lease, or occupy any rental dwelling or rental dwelling unit without a rental license from the rental division. Rental licenses are not transferable between landlords or rental units.
(B) Occupancy of any dwelling by a person other than the owner of record shall be presumed to require a rental license.
(C) A rental license shall be issued by the rental division if the applicant meets the following requirements:
(1) An application form is submitted pursuant to the provisions of section 28-18
(2) A biennial inspection is performed on the premises sought to be licensed as directed by section 28-20 of this article. All violations disclosed by this inspection shall be corrected or waived by formal motion of the city council.
(3) All application and inspection fees are paid
(4) No rental license shall be issued until all of the following fees and debts to the city have been paid in full:
(a) All previously billed property taxes
(b) All current or past due special assessments
(c) Water or sewer bills outstanding
(d) All charges against the property for mowing, cleanup, weed, or debris removal or any similar charges by the city
(e) Any fees, fines, penalties, or debts of any sort arising from provisions of the property maintenance code including any blight violations
(D) A license is valid for a period of two (2) years from the date of issuance suspended or revoked for cause by the city. Licensees must apply for license renewal sixty (60) days prior to the expiration date of the license. Sale of the subject property results in immediate termination of any license. Failure to obtain or timely renew a license or failure to pay an inspection fee is a violation of this article.
Inspection FeesAn inspection fee shall be paid at the time of application for a new license, or renewal of an existing license, payable to the City of Warren – Rental Inspection Fund.
Inspection of Rental Units(A) Inspection required. The proposed rental dwelling shall have an inspection to ensure compliance with all the requirements of the International Property Maintenance code as adopted by reference in section 28-1 of this Chapter.
(B) Additional inspections. In addition to regular or renewal inspections, inspections may be scheduled on one (1) or more of the following bases:
(1) Whenever a code official has reasonable cause to believe than there is a violation of this ordinance or other conditions which make the structure or premises unsafe, dangerous, or hazardous.
(2) For the purpose of reinspection to ensure the correction of any violations in existence at a previous inspection.
Suspension or Revocation of LicensesA license issued by the rental division under this article may be suspended by a code official for just cause.